Thursday, March 15, 2012

And I made this too

For Christmas this year hubby got me a Kindle Fire.  I am in love with it!  He got me a cover to keep it in, but after seeing so many cute covers on Pinterest I wanted to make my own.  I looked at several different possibilities and finally decided on this one from The Cottage Home.

I couldn't get a picture from her blog, so this is the one I made... :)

I think the is the best tutorial I have ever seen.  She goes step-by-step with very clear and helpful pictures, and everything is explained really well.  She even shows what your pieces will look like after each step.  It is a cover with a lining, and this is the first tutorial I've seen where I actually understood how to put the lining in.  !!!!  Now the tutorial is for a laptop case, but her instructions for how to calculate the size of your pieces is very easy to follow, so it's no problem at all adjusting it for any device.  I imagine you could even do it for something as small as an iPhone or iPod if you have the patience.. There are one or two things I would do different if I make it again (like trimming the edges of the lining before putting it in and using velcro instead of buttons), but overall I am pleased with how it came out.  :)

Hmm... I think I'll try some of these next to go along with the dress... 

I Just Made This..

On Tuesday I had a sick little one and a sick hubby, so it turned out to be a pretty quiet afternoon.  The baby was in a good mood (mostly), so I decided to take advantage and work on a project I've been itching to try: a pillowcase dress!  I had the fabric picked out, washed and ironed already, so I took the baby's measurements and got started.  It was so easy.  When I showed it to my husband he said (as he does when I show him anything I've made), "Wow!  You made that?  That looks professional.  You should sell those."  Ha!  I don't think I'd go that far, but it's nice to be appreciated...

So anyway.... After reading a couple of tutorials and studying pictures and things, here's what I came up with:

It does look a little square-ish, but that's just because she's so short.  :)  When I took the pic I was still working on adjusting the little straps and the length/width of the neckline, etc.  But overall, not too bad for a first attempt.  I don't know if I added the lace and trim "correctly," but it works.

Ok, she was in a good mood until the moment I wanted to put the dress on her and take a pic... :P