Thursday, December 13, 2012
Christmas Pajamas
I love Christmas time!! I have so many projects I want to do, and so little time! Last night the boys and I "painted" (i.e. colored with markers) some salt-dough ornaments (pics will follow later), we've made gifts for a couple of people, and I finally got their Christmas pajamas finished. I made their pj's last year mostly because I could never find ones I liked in the store on sale, and Evan was so tickled that I had made them that I decided to make them again this year. I must say, I had a lot of fun making Emma's. :) They are going to be huge on her, but I'd rather they be a little big than too small, which is how things I make her usually turn out. So without further ado, here are the pj's...
The boys have a matching set, so there's only one picture of those. :) I got the snowman flannel at JoAnn's on Black Friday for 75% off--woot! Emma's don't match because I could not resist this adorable pink heart flannel! Also from JoAnn's... So cute!! They are going to be so cute on Christmas Eve!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Em's costume
I don't know if anyone still looks at this blog, but I'm sill keeping it for my own sake! I like having a place to look back at some of my past projects, even if no one else does. :)
And without further ado, here's Emma's Halloween costume!
I made the tutu, put the flower on the shirt, and made the flower for the headband. I think it turned out pretty cute! The wings aren't super noticeable in this pic with everything else in the background (courtesy of my MIL's den), but they totally make the outfit. So cute!
What a good little model!
And a closer-up of the headband. A bit of sparkle never hurt anyone, right? :) Happy Halloween!!
And without further ado, here's Emma's Halloween costume!
I made the tutu, put the flower on the shirt, and made the flower for the headband. I think it turned out pretty cute! The wings aren't super noticeable in this pic with everything else in the background (courtesy of my MIL's den), but they totally make the outfit. So cute!
What a good little model!
And a closer-up of the headband. A bit of sparkle never hurt anyone, right? :) Happy Halloween!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Gift sneak preview
Ok. Nikki, you can not let Melissa see this post until after this weekend!
I am so excited about this little gift I made for Melissa, I just had to post it. I think it turned out super cute!
Seriously. If she doesn't want it, I will probably keep it for myself, hehehe.... :)
I am so excited about this little gift I made for Melissa, I just had to post it. I think it turned out super cute!
It's a journal! I hope she likes it, because I am in love with it. I may have to make one for myself! And I'm extra proud of it because I made it totally from scratch, no patter or tutorial. And I only had to rip the seams out and start over once! (Apparently adding batting for stability takes away from the width, and that makes it too small. Who knew??)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
New favorite skirt!
I made the skirt I posted about. The same day I posted it!
I am just now getting pics of it though. It turned out soooo cute, I think I'll probably make her another! In case you missed it the first time, here's the tutorial I used, from Made by Me. Very good, clear instructions. Her instructions are for a 0-3M size, so make it big enough for Emma (9M) I made each of my rectangles 10" X 15". case anyone was wondering. :)
Emma was very gracious in letting me take pics of her in it this morning. It is, however, a little awkward trying to hold her up with one hand and take her pic with the other...
I am just now getting pics of it though. It turned out soooo cute, I think I'll probably make her another! In case you missed it the first time, here's the tutorial I used, from Made by Me. Very good, clear instructions. Her instructions are for a 0-3M size, so make it big enough for Emma (9M) I made each of my rectangles 10" X 15". case anyone was wondering. :)
In case you need a closer look.. |
Monday, August 13, 2012
Going to make this!
I am SO making one of these for Emma!!!
Made by Me. Shared with you.: Tutorial: The Box Pleat Baby Skirt
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Emma is 6 months old!!! Crazy hard to believe. So to celebrate, I made her a tutu! I don't have any pictures of her in it yet (it was too hot last week when we had scheduled to take them), but here is the tutu and the onesie and headband I made to go with them. What do you think??
Isn't she going to be cute????
Cute Dress
Wow, it's been a while since anyone has posted. I have actually been doing quite a lot of crafting and sewing, I just always forget to take pictures and post about what I make. I mostly make things for Emma, though I have actually attempted a couple of dresses for myself lately. I will post about them later.
I actually used a real pattern for this little jumper dress and I think it turned out so cute! I believe it was one of those "Sew Simple" patterns from Simplicity. It's very basic and can be easily embellished. I used a very soft knit fabric, and it actually fits really well! .....these are the only pics I have of her in it, playing with her cousin Savannah. Aren't they cute??
I actually used a real pattern for this little jumper dress and I think it turned out so cute! I believe it was one of those "Sew Simple" patterns from Simplicity. It's very basic and can be easily embellished. I used a very soft knit fabric, and it actually fits really well! .....these are the only pics I have of her in it, playing with her cousin Savannah. Aren't they cute??
Saturday, April 28, 2012
I may be a little obsessed.....
.....with sewing! I found this cute cotton knit fabric in the discount bin several months ago, and I have been dying to use it for something cute. I found this tutorial at Sew Much Ado for a simple little peasant dress and I was sold. It took me about an hour to make, and it only took that long because I didn't read all the instructions in one important step and had to do some seam ripping...oops! Anyway, it was so cute and easy, I might make her another one in another print! What do you think??
She hasn't learned the joys of having her pic taken yet... :) |
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
I made this
Addicted much??
Thursday, March 15, 2012
And I made this too
For Christmas this year hubby got me a Kindle Fire. I am in love with it! He got me a cover to keep it in, but after seeing so many cute covers on Pinterest I wanted to make my own. I looked at several different possibilities and finally decided on this one from The Cottage Home.
I think the is the best tutorial I have ever seen. She goes step-by-step with very clear and helpful pictures, and everything is explained really well. She even shows what your pieces will look like after each step. It is a cover with a lining, and this is the first tutorial I've seen where I actually understood how to put the lining in. !!!! Now the tutorial is for a laptop case, but her instructions for how to calculate the size of your pieces is very easy to follow, so it's no problem at all adjusting it for any device. I imagine you could even do it for something as small as an iPhone or iPod if you have the patience.. There are one or two things I would do different if I make it again (like trimming the edges of the lining before putting it in and using velcro instead of buttons), but overall I am pleased with how it came out. :)
I couldn't get a picture from her blog, so this is the one I made... :) |
I think the is the best tutorial I have ever seen. She goes step-by-step with very clear and helpful pictures, and everything is explained really well. She even shows what your pieces will look like after each step. It is a cover with a lining, and this is the first tutorial I've seen where I actually understood how to put the lining in. !!!! Now the tutorial is for a laptop case, but her instructions for how to calculate the size of your pieces is very easy to follow, so it's no problem at all adjusting it for any device. I imagine you could even do it for something as small as an iPhone or iPod if you have the patience.. There are one or two things I would do different if I make it again (like trimming the edges of the lining before putting it in and using velcro instead of buttons), but overall I am pleased with how it came out. :)
Hmm... I think I'll try some of these next to go along with the dress...

I Just Made This..
On Tuesday I had a sick little one and a sick hubby, so it turned out to be a pretty quiet afternoon. The baby was in a good mood (mostly), so I decided to take advantage and work on a project I've been itching to try: a pillowcase dress! I had the fabric picked out, washed and ironed already, so I took the baby's measurements and got started. It was so easy. When I showed it to my husband he said (as he does when I show him anything I've made), "Wow! You made that? That looks professional. You should sell those." Ha! I don't think I'd go that far, but it's nice to be appreciated...
So anyway.... After reading a couple of tutorials and studying pictures and things, here's what I came up with:
It does look a little square-ish, but that's just because she's so short. :) When I took the pic I was still working on adjusting the little straps and the length/width of the neckline, etc. But overall, not too bad for a first attempt. I don't know if I added the lace and trim "correctly," but it works.
So anyway.... After reading a couple of tutorials and studying pictures and things, here's what I came up with:
It does look a little square-ish, but that's just because she's so short. :) When I took the pic I was still working on adjusting the little straps and the length/width of the neckline, etc. But overall, not too bad for a first attempt. I don't know if I added the lace and trim "correctly," but it works.
Ok, she was in a good mood until the moment I wanted to put the dress on her and take a pic... :P |
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
So today my sweet little Emma wore one of the dresses that I made for her. I think it turned out pretty cute. I used a pattern/tutorial that I found on Pinterest a while back from the blog Smashed Peas and Carrots. It is a cute little Pinafore dress, and it was so easy to make! That blog has some really cute stuff on it, and I've made a couple of different things from there. Anyway, I used fabric for this that Evan picked out (read: insisted on because it was "the cutest fabric he's ever seen") for the outside and just some left-over black-and-white fabric for the inside. It was quite simple and I think it turned out really cute. What do you think??
The best thing about this little dress is that I can put it over some little ruffle-butt tights or something and it will look really cute. Also, because of how loose it's made, she can keep wearing it until it gets too short to be a dress, and then she can wear it as a tunic. :)
I just had to put the pic with the feet! |
And the back |
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
One last project!
I squeezed in one last project before I had to pack up all my sewing stuff. I think I'll be taking a break from the sewing machine for a while (but not from crafting!!), but I made these two things very quickly the other day. Seriously it only took me a couple of hours to do both.
CarSeat Cover (aka "Greeter Deterrent"). I combined three tutorials: Make It Do, AllFreeSewing, and Calico.
Since I followed the fabric amounts from the first tutorial (1 1/3 yard) but didn't even use a whole yard, I had enough left over to make this cute little changing pad/diaper clutch. Tutorial here at Cluck Cluck Sew. A blog, btw, which has some super cute sewing ideas. :)
CarSeat Cover (aka "Greeter Deterrent"). I combined three tutorials: Make It Do, AllFreeSewing, and Calico.
There is pink flannel on the back side that matches. :) |
Since I followed the fabric amounts from the first tutorial (1 1/3 yard) but didn't even use a whole yard, I had enough left over to make this cute little changing pad/diaper clutch. Tutorial here at Cluck Cluck Sew. A blog, btw, which has some super cute sewing ideas. :)
It was nice and smooth, but then I washed it so now it looks all wrinkled... :) |
(That's the pink flannel that's on the other side of the carseat cover.) Sorry the pic is crooked... |
Baby's Room!
Yes, she is still "baby." No name. Regardless, her room is cute! I didn't get a very good shot of the curtains, but they're pretty cute. I think everything came together pretty well. What do you think?? :)
I got the lamp from Ikea and embellished it with some left-over fabric from the curtains. And speaking of curtains....
I also made a super-cute mobile/chandelier. The idea for it came from one of the very first things I ever repinned on Pinterest, found here at Hartland Paper.
I also made a VERY simple bed skirt to go around the crib. Tutorial is here from Young House Love, but basically it's just three rectangles of fabric, hemmed with hem tape, and velcro'd onto the frame of the crib. :) By the way... I LOVE the fabric!!
And one or two final touches...
(All tutorials and inspirations can be found on my Pinterest boards!)
Item #1, a lamp |
Aren't the rosettes cute?? |
Lace at the top, ruffles at the bottom. :) |
Sorry, this pic isn't much better... |
All butterflies were cut out on my Cricut.. |
I also made a VERY simple bed skirt to go around the crib. Tutorial is here from Young House Love, but basically it's just three rectangles of fabric, hemmed with hem tape, and velcro'd onto the frame of the crib. :) By the way... I LOVE the fabric!!
Isn't that the cutest fabric?? |
And one or two final touches...
There are more hairbows than that, that's just all I had up at the time.. |
Sunday, January 8, 2012
More stuff for baby!
I have been working on quite a few projects for yet-to-be-named Baby Girl, but haven't gotten pictures of too many finished products. But here are a couple of the little things that I have done. Just little things so far like adding bows and ribbons to onesies and burp cloths...
I also made a blanket, which was harder than it looked! I found some white minky in the discount bin at Hobby Lobby, got some cute pink flannel from JoAnn's, and got to work. My first attempt failed miserable. The mink tends to shift, bunch, and stretch all at the same time. So after much seam-ripping, a couple of people suggested these blogs. They gave me some great ideas for working with minky, the most important being to PIN A LOT! Seriously, I had 20 pins in each side of this thing. After I got the sides sewn, I got it all turned right-side-out and then top-stitched around the whole things. I think it turned out pretty cute. I may add a little embellishment or two at some point, but for now I'm just please I got the thing sewn!
I have had this cloth since E was born, so pardon the dinginess. It was sort of just an experiment. The ribbon came pre-pleated! |
I also made a blanket, which was harder than it looked! I found some white minky in the discount bin at Hobby Lobby, got some cute pink flannel from JoAnn's, and got to work. My first attempt failed miserable. The mink tends to shift, bunch, and stretch all at the same time. So after much seam-ripping, a couple of people suggested these blogs. They gave me some great ideas for working with minky, the most important being to PIN A LOT! Seriously, I had 20 pins in each side of this thing. After I got the sides sewn, I got it all turned right-side-out and then top-stitched around the whole things. I think it turned out pretty cute. I may add a little embellishment or two at some point, but for now I'm just please I got the thing sewn!
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