Yay, it's done!! I finished my very first on-my-own-at-my-own-house sewing project! I made a super cute (if I do say so myself) apron for Evan. It's hard to tell from the pics and the busy pattern, but it has quite a few pockets on the front, just right for crayons, mixing spoons, and paint brushes. The pattern was a very inexpensive one from Simplicity, and though it took me about 4 hours (literally) to figure out what on earth all the words, symbols, pictures and directions meant, once I figured it out I discovered that it was really not as hard as I'd always thought it would be. I rather enjoyed it actually. I was even able to figure out on my own (thanks to a suggestion from Mom) how to line the top half of it so that it would be a little more durable. As Evan loves to help me with cooking and baking, I'm sure we'll be getting lots of use out of it. :)